Ole Miss Students Required to Complete ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ Training

college students
by Jack Bryson


The University of Mississippi has introduced a new diversity and inclusion course requirement for students.

The main catalyst for Ole Miss implementing this course was an incident in which several students were photographed holding guns near a memorial for Emmett Till, resulting in an FBI investigation.

The online course, which is 45 minutes long, was due on April 1. The Daily Mississippian reports that it followed the same structure and method as alcohol and sexual assault online courses used at Ole Miss and schools across the country.

The course covers many facets of diversity and inclusion. There are quizzes, vocabulary terms, and personal surveys for the students to complete, and members of minority communities describe some of their ideas about diversity. Screenshots from the course obtained by the Young America’s Foundation show teachings on “whitesplaining,” privilege, illegal immigrants, and how to reply to comments deemed racist.

“This ensures that every student is able to start from a similar place, so when they are having deeper conversations on inclusion and mutual respect in their academic courses or their future careers, they will be able to respond with confidence and familiarity,” Shawnboda Mead, assistant vice chancellor for diversity announced in a university-wide email.

Ole Miss Students for Trump chapter member Gage West told Campus Reform that the course is a waste of time for many students.

“While racism has been and still is a problem here in Oxford, it’s costly and burdensome to mandate a class for an entire school. Furthermore, I’m not racist, my peers are not racist; why do we have to waste our time with this?” said West.”

“Students should have the freedom to not take this online course if we feel that we aren’t discriminatory,” he added.

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Jack Bryson is an Iowa Campus Correspondent at CampusReform.org. Follow Jack on Twitter at @JackBryson34









Appeared at and reprinted from campusreform.org

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7 Thoughts to “Ole Miss Students Required to Complete ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ Training”

  1. Ron Welch

    Diversity occurs with freedom of thought and expression. Mandates and bans stifle diversity. Just let it happen.

  2. William Delzell

    What’s the matter, Chris and 83ragtop 50, do you have a problem with diversity? That is what has made our country so great and the envy of the world. We had a multiplicity of talents and cultures to mold into one. Much of the music you enjoy comes from those who were once immigrants or “hypenated’s”. Many of our best medical doctors and nurses come from ethnically diverse backgrounds and, yes, many of them are immigrants or undocumenteds.

    Teaching us diversity will help us develop more job skills that will enable us and them to work together for a common goal. We can’t shut ourselves off the world without negative consequences as you both seem to think that we could.

    1. Wolf Woman

      What you say doesn’t make sense. How can “teaching diversity” help us develop more job skills? “Job skills” are practical applications of tasks and skills that enable us to make a living!

      The United States was a melting pot where “diverse” cultures came together and united under a common concept that held that every CITIZEN had rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as defined by our Constitution and that we were all equal under the law. We also agreed informally to “do unto others what we would want done to us.” Unfortunately, it’s not like that now.

      1. William Delzell

        Getting top jobs will require us to work with different cultures and different racial groups on an equal footing. It is thus important that we learn how to get along with different groups instead of staying within our own comfort zone clique. Whites are no longer the majority of the world’s population; we have to cooperate on an equal footing with these other peoples. I have had jobs where my supervisors were non-whites, both genders, who had a different native language, or who came from a different ethnic group with their own culture. Our family lived in Italy over fifty years ago for almost a year where we had to learn the Italian language and customs. If I can do it, so can you.

    2. Ron Welch

      “Many of our best medical doctors and nurses come from ethnically diverse backgrounds and, yes, many of them are immigrants or undocumenteds.”
      –William Delzell

      Could you name an undocumented doctor that’s one of our best ?

      But this diversity and inclusion training is required by Ole Miss. So that must be documented. But wait! So Ole Miss students who don’t complete this training are “undocumented” and not included for graduation? But “undocumenteds” are part of “inclusion”? What a contradiction!

  3. 83ragtop50

    Time to pull funding from this indoctrination machine.

  4. chris

    forced Marxism
